Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So, as per usual, the BEDA thing failed. Being that today is the 26th of August and my last post was made on the 5th. Wow, at least I made it a full business week. Ha.

Any way, I'm sitting here, in the main hall at the Waterville Fair Grounds, a little bored, a little relaxed, and mostly tired. I won't for a minute complain about being here, because I'm going to be in Eastern Washington for a full week, and I can't begin to explain how happy that makes me.

Jessica and I had originally planned to spend a week in Montana with her family, but because of unfortunate circumstances she wasn't able to get the time off. So, with all my Vacation approved (aside from 2 days), and nothing to do, I decided to come spend the week at my Dad's. The longest I've had the chance to stay with him since 2008 was a couple, maybe three, days. So having a whole week to really get comfortable and enjoy my time more thoroughly, is priceless. So, here I am. Sitting at a table with mix boards, cables and a laptop, blogging. Because I can. Yay!

I was telling my oldest sister just last night, that it seems interesting that we do in our real lives what we forget to do in our spiritual lives. Whenever things are hard, or painful, we come running home to our father. I really like the parallel that's there. I've been struggling with one thing or another for the past month or two, and I kept thinking that I wanted to get away from it all, turn off my phone and go to my dad's. Run away from it all. And that's exactly what I need to do, except instead of running to Eastern Washington, I need to be running to Jesus. It's really a lot easier, though it's something I struggle with. Not that I mean to imply I shouldn't take the time to get away from the city and see my family, that, I think, is extremely important for me. Rather I mean to say, it takes no effort at all to bow my head and say a prayer.

Any way, sorry I failed BEDA, but hopefully I'll be moved to blog more anyway...

Oh, and update on the kitten. She has an owner, and by the end of the 32 some hours we had her, I was so ready to let her go. The longer she was there the more depressed and aggressive our cats became. Plus, I missed cuddling with my Alley Cat! So, moral of the story, no more kittens any time soon.

Sexy: The beautifully humidity free heat I'm experincing right now... oh E. Wa. how I love thee.
Unsexy: How much my jaw hurts from chewing this gum.... I should really just spit it out already. :P
Movies/TV watched today: Surprisingly, absolutely none, and that feels good.

Nail Color: Chipped and peeling, dirt showing clear coat. Sweet.

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