Sunday, August 01, 2010

BEDA Day 1

 Hello all! Today is day one of BEDA, Blog Every Day in August, and we're going to do a little experiment. We're going to see if I can actually complete a blog for all 31 days of the month... So here goes:

Sundays are usually lazy days for me. Wake up, go to church, eat lunch with Aaron and then do whatever, relaxing. Today has not let me down. So far, I've watched 5 episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and munched on snacks. The biggest benefit, though, is cuddling with my two favorite felines, Alley Cat and Hey, Jude. Oh, don't worry we call them simply Alley and Jude. It's probably a good thing we got Jude after Alley or they would have been named Hey, Jude and Abbey Road. It's not like either of us are huge Beatles fans. We just like the name Jude, I guess. And, trust me it's definitely better than what name he could have ended up with. Jess was thinking something Spanish, like Rodrigo, or Francesco. I'm glad he got Jude.

I have been a little concerned about Alley, though. She started having weird eye goo, and then wouldn't open her left eye at all the other day. Then yesterday she was opening it about halfway and now today she seems to be fine. I'm glad, I wasn't looking forward to go to, or paying for the vet.

-Just to interject here, someone in my apartment complex is barbecuing and it smells delicious!-

So, I've had this YouTube account for probably a year now and haven't actually posted anything on it yet. But since my roommate started watching more YouTube videos we've come up with this idea for a channel. I'm not gonna get into exactly what it's about right now, but be looking forward to details. ;)

Meanwhile, I've got some ideas going for my personal channel and I'm pretty excited to see them come to light.

Oh and I'm working on some outlining for my NaNoWriMo story for this year. Not sure how it's all going to come together, but I'm hoping that my amateur ramblings can make some sort of interesting story.

Any way, that's all for today, but I'll see ya'll tomorrow!

Sexy: David Boreanaz as Angel
Unsexy: The outfit I'm wearing. Aside for the awesome Charlie McDonnell "You need to be able to love yourself" t-shirt, I look a mess! :P
Movies/TV I've watched today: Um, Buffy, but yeah you know that. :)

Nail Color: Still the clear base coat. Still haven't gone back to the color polish.

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