Thursday, August 05, 2010


Once again I have to start a blog with what happened last night. So Aaron came over and watched a PBS special with me. Fun, yes. But the best part didn't happen until after he left. So I gave him a hug and a kiss and said goodnight, shut the door and went about my business. About 5 minutes later I heard a knock at the door. With no idea who it could be I checked the peep hole and saw Aaron standing there. I couldn't help wondering what he had forgotten, but when I opened the door this is what I saw...

Well, she was in the arms of an adorable boy, who looked very excited to have found something he knew I would love. :) We don't know if she has an owner or not, but we let the manager of our complex know that we found her, and we're just waiting anxiously to see if she will be claimed. Part of me wants her to have an owner, and another part wants her to be a stray. She gets along okay with the other cats... well, she and Alley are okay, Jude seems to kind of hate her. He pretty much hisses at her, and she's hissed at him and Alley a couple times, but it's so far just been a matter of telling both animals that it's not okay to be mean. I feel like I have a child and now, after having a second child, my oldest is having the older sibling jealousy issues. I feel like I need to do mommy and kitty date night so that Alley and Jude don't feel like we're ignoring them, or replacing them.

We're not sure if the reason Jude is having issues is because he was in a hoarder's home before we adopted him. Maybe he gets a bit defensive because he used to be surrounded by too many other cats. Who knows, if the new kitten doesn't have an owner, hopefully Jude will warm up to her. I think it's really only a matter of time. I hope so.

We geeked out and named her Cordi (Cordelia), mostly because we've been watching so much Buffy, and also because she seemed like she might be high maintenance and prissy. Ha.

Any way, today was normal, work, home, dinner, Buffy. The usual. I'm excited to see Aaron again, for the third night in a row, but things are calm.

Any way, back to an episode of Buffy I've already seen cause Jessica is still catching up. Good thing she'll be watching more tomorrow, cause then she'll catch up to me, and probably pass me up, and then have to re-watch episodes too! Ha!

See you tomorrow!

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