Monday, August 02, 2010


So, today is day 2 of BEDA and I'm already at a loss of what to write about. Great.

I'd tell you about my day, but other than the fact that I paid $1.69 for a 380 cal coffee from 7/11, ate veggie chips with creamy ranch for lunch and took a walk after work to look at pretty dresses through the window of Luly Lang, it was kind of dull. I guess, walking up and down 4 flights of stairs was out of the ordinary, and an example of the funny ways my company motivates it's employees to be active, but it took such a short time it's barely worth mentioning. Except, well, I will.

We have these events twice a year called winter fest and summer fest, which include all sorts of activities. Just two or three weeks ago we had a Wii sports tournament (which I didn't win, boo), and decorated foam board surfboards (which I also didn't win, double boo) and it seems that as of late our management has been also pushing us to be more active, in really sneaky ways. Well, sneaky sounds like it's something bad, it's not. For example, we are doing "Beach Blanket Bingo" right now, which includes activities like the one mentioned above, walking up and down 4 flights of stairs. As well as walking 10 laps around the floor (which takes about 2 minutes per lap if your meandering), and taking one full lap around the building outside. It's a fun way to get us excited about exercise, I guess. I mean, I definitely don't hate that they're doing it, because, for one, it gives me an extra little break off the phones, plus, I guess I kind of enjoy it, but, I dunno, it's kind of weird. Ha.

Um, yeah....

So, after seeing Bree's, I signed up at It's a pretty basic website, and could be done through a regular blog like this, but I kinda like that I can have a separate place specifically for lists. I've never been much of a list writer myself, mostly because I can't think of things "To Do" or I'm sitting at my desk at work trying to write a grocery list. Or, really because I always leave the list somewhere and when I actually need it I can't find it, or  possibly never needed it in the first place. But, I like that my list can be about anything. I can take a moment at the end of the day to write a list of all the things that made my day good, or bad, or better. It somehow seems relaxing. So go check out my listography. Maybe start your own, whatevs.

I'm gonna go eat now, because it's 10:30pm, I haven't eaten dinner and I need to be in bed soon.

Night all, see ya tomorrow! :)

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