Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So, as per usual, the BEDA thing failed. Being that today is the 26th of August and my last post was made on the 5th. Wow, at least I made it a full business week. Ha.

Any way, I'm sitting here, in the main hall at the Waterville Fair Grounds, a little bored, a little relaxed, and mostly tired. I won't for a minute complain about being here, because I'm going to be in Eastern Washington for a full week, and I can't begin to explain how happy that makes me.

Jessica and I had originally planned to spend a week in Montana with her family, but because of unfortunate circumstances she wasn't able to get the time off. So, with all my Vacation approved (aside from 2 days), and nothing to do, I decided to come spend the week at my Dad's. The longest I've had the chance to stay with him since 2008 was a couple, maybe three, days. So having a whole week to really get comfortable and enjoy my time more thoroughly, is priceless. So, here I am. Sitting at a table with mix boards, cables and a laptop, blogging. Because I can. Yay!

I was telling my oldest sister just last night, that it seems interesting that we do in our real lives what we forget to do in our spiritual lives. Whenever things are hard, or painful, we come running home to our father. I really like the parallel that's there. I've been struggling with one thing or another for the past month or two, and I kept thinking that I wanted to get away from it all, turn off my phone and go to my dad's. Run away from it all. And that's exactly what I need to do, except instead of running to Eastern Washington, I need to be running to Jesus. It's really a lot easier, though it's something I struggle with. Not that I mean to imply I shouldn't take the time to get away from the city and see my family, that, I think, is extremely important for me. Rather I mean to say, it takes no effort at all to bow my head and say a prayer.

Any way, sorry I failed BEDA, but hopefully I'll be moved to blog more anyway...

Oh, and update on the kitten. She has an owner, and by the end of the 32 some hours we had her, I was so ready to let her go. The longer she was there the more depressed and aggressive our cats became. Plus, I missed cuddling with my Alley Cat! So, moral of the story, no more kittens any time soon.

Sexy: The beautifully humidity free heat I'm experincing right now... oh E. Wa. how I love thee.
Unsexy: How much my jaw hurts from chewing this gum.... I should really just spit it out already. :P
Movies/TV watched today: Surprisingly, absolutely none, and that feels good.

Nail Color: Chipped and peeling, dirt showing clear coat. Sweet.

Thursday, August 05, 2010


Once again I have to start a blog with what happened last night. So Aaron came over and watched a PBS special with me. Fun, yes. But the best part didn't happen until after he left. So I gave him a hug and a kiss and said goodnight, shut the door and went about my business. About 5 minutes later I heard a knock at the door. With no idea who it could be I checked the peep hole and saw Aaron standing there. I couldn't help wondering what he had forgotten, but when I opened the door this is what I saw...

Well, she was in the arms of an adorable boy, who looked very excited to have found something he knew I would love. :) We don't know if she has an owner or not, but we let the manager of our complex know that we found her, and we're just waiting anxiously to see if she will be claimed. Part of me wants her to have an owner, and another part wants her to be a stray. She gets along okay with the other cats... well, she and Alley are okay, Jude seems to kind of hate her. He pretty much hisses at her, and she's hissed at him and Alley a couple times, but it's so far just been a matter of telling both animals that it's not okay to be mean. I feel like I have a child and now, after having a second child, my oldest is having the older sibling jealousy issues. I feel like I need to do mommy and kitty date night so that Alley and Jude don't feel like we're ignoring them, or replacing them.

We're not sure if the reason Jude is having issues is because he was in a hoarder's home before we adopted him. Maybe he gets a bit defensive because he used to be surrounded by too many other cats. Who knows, if the new kitten doesn't have an owner, hopefully Jude will warm up to her. I think it's really only a matter of time. I hope so.

We geeked out and named her Cordi (Cordelia), mostly because we've been watching so much Buffy, and also because she seemed like she might be high maintenance and prissy. Ha.

Any way, today was normal, work, home, dinner, Buffy. The usual. I'm excited to see Aaron again, for the third night in a row, but things are calm.

Any way, back to an episode of Buffy I've already seen cause Jessica is still catching up. Good thing she'll be watching more tomorrow, cause then she'll catch up to me, and probably pass me up, and then have to re-watch episodes too! Ha!

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


I definitely did not get the chance to upload my blog yesterday, and it didn't save because I started writing it on my phone.  So, since the best part of the day actually occurred after midnight, I'll just tell you all of what happened today...

A few hours later...

I was going to write today's blog talking about everything that is not happening in my day today. But I just read a Nerdfighter's Secret and it really upset me the way that people were responding to it. This girl is spilling her heart out, telling the world that she feels alone and there are still people commenting on how she is going to be judged if she continues to believe what she believes. Yes, I realize that people are bound to judge you no matter what, but what upset me the most is that Nerdfighters are supposed to be accepting and loving of one another, but they are treating her poorly. I've always had the feeling that Nerdfighteria is about accepting people as they are, even when it seems no one else will. And I have always received this same message from those who are at the head of Nerdfighteria, John and Hank Green, especially. Seeing things come to pass like Esther day, and Esther just wanting everyone to show love to their friends and family, makes me think that whoever this girl has encountered doesn't understand what being a Nerdfighter is really about.

I feel that, personally, I can be comfortable being part of the Nerdfighter community because it seems to promote love in a similar way to how Christ showed love when he was on earth. That is, by accepting and caring about everyone regardless of status, or money, or relationships. But seeing this girl who seemingly felt the same way, and thought that she was understood and no longer judged, be let down was really upsetting. I'm not going to say that because of this I am no longer going to consider myself a Nerdfighter, or that I'm going to stop watching the videos uploaded by those who call themselves Nerdfighters, but I just feel disappointed.

However, at the same time it comforts me by reminding me that Christ's love is better than this. He does not decided who he loves based on what they do or who the world believes them to be. He loves everyone unconditionally. So, though Satan may be working against this girl by breaking down what she loved and felt comforted by, I see it as an opportunity to remind her of God's grace and love. Which, as I hope she can see, is much more important.

Monday, August 02, 2010


So, today is day 2 of BEDA and I'm already at a loss of what to write about. Great.

I'd tell you about my day, but other than the fact that I paid $1.69 for a 380 cal coffee from 7/11, ate veggie chips with creamy ranch for lunch and took a walk after work to look at pretty dresses through the window of Luly Lang, it was kind of dull. I guess, walking up and down 4 flights of stairs was out of the ordinary, and an example of the funny ways my company motivates it's employees to be active, but it took such a short time it's barely worth mentioning. Except, well, I will.

We have these events twice a year called winter fest and summer fest, which include all sorts of activities. Just two or three weeks ago we had a Wii sports tournament (which I didn't win, boo), and decorated foam board surfboards (which I also didn't win, double boo) and it seems that as of late our management has been also pushing us to be more active, in really sneaky ways. Well, sneaky sounds like it's something bad, it's not. For example, we are doing "Beach Blanket Bingo" right now, which includes activities like the one mentioned above, walking up and down 4 flights of stairs. As well as walking 10 laps around the floor (which takes about 2 minutes per lap if your meandering), and taking one full lap around the building outside. It's a fun way to get us excited about exercise, I guess. I mean, I definitely don't hate that they're doing it, because, for one, it gives me an extra little break off the phones, plus, I guess I kind of enjoy it, but, I dunno, it's kind of weird. Ha.

Um, yeah....

So, after seeing Bree's, I signed up at It's a pretty basic website, and could be done through a regular blog like this, but I kinda like that I can have a separate place specifically for lists. I've never been much of a list writer myself, mostly because I can't think of things "To Do" or I'm sitting at my desk at work trying to write a grocery list. Or, really because I always leave the list somewhere and when I actually need it I can't find it, or  possibly never needed it in the first place. But, I like that my list can be about anything. I can take a moment at the end of the day to write a list of all the things that made my day good, or bad, or better. It somehow seems relaxing. So go check out my listography. Maybe start your own, whatevs.

I'm gonna go eat now, because it's 10:30pm, I haven't eaten dinner and I need to be in bed soon.

Night all, see ya tomorrow! :)

Sunday, August 01, 2010

BEDA Day 1

 Hello all! Today is day one of BEDA, Blog Every Day in August, and we're going to do a little experiment. We're going to see if I can actually complete a blog for all 31 days of the month... So here goes:

Sundays are usually lazy days for me. Wake up, go to church, eat lunch with Aaron and then do whatever, relaxing. Today has not let me down. So far, I've watched 5 episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and munched on snacks. The biggest benefit, though, is cuddling with my two favorite felines, Alley Cat and Hey, Jude. Oh, don't worry we call them simply Alley and Jude. It's probably a good thing we got Jude after Alley or they would have been named Hey, Jude and Abbey Road. It's not like either of us are huge Beatles fans. We just like the name Jude, I guess. And, trust me it's definitely better than what name he could have ended up with. Jess was thinking something Spanish, like Rodrigo, or Francesco. I'm glad he got Jude.

I have been a little concerned about Alley, though. She started having weird eye goo, and then wouldn't open her left eye at all the other day. Then yesterday she was opening it about halfway and now today she seems to be fine. I'm glad, I wasn't looking forward to go to, or paying for the vet.

-Just to interject here, someone in my apartment complex is barbecuing and it smells delicious!-

So, I've had this YouTube account for probably a year now and haven't actually posted anything on it yet. But since my roommate started watching more YouTube videos we've come up with this idea for a channel. I'm not gonna get into exactly what it's about right now, but be looking forward to details. ;)

Meanwhile, I've got some ideas going for my personal channel and I'm pretty excited to see them come to light.

Oh and I'm working on some outlining for my NaNoWriMo story for this year. Not sure how it's all going to come together, but I'm hoping that my amateur ramblings can make some sort of interesting story.

Any way, that's all for today, but I'll see ya'll tomorrow!

Sexy: David Boreanaz as Angel
Unsexy: The outfit I'm wearing. Aside for the awesome Charlie McDonnell "You need to be able to love yourself" t-shirt, I look a mess! :P
Movies/TV I've watched today: Um, Buffy, but yeah you know that. :)

Nail Color: Still the clear base coat. Still haven't gone back to the color polish.