Thursday, October 09, 2008

New hair and serious talks!

So I got my hair cut and foiled today. It is so perfect. It's like the stylist was in my head, she knew exactly what I wanted. I'm kinda bummed now that she's moving to Texas. But she recommended another stylist, so that was nice of her. :)

My niece is having her birthday party tomorrow. Yay!!! She just turned two on Monday. And so knows she's special right now. Haha. She's so adorable. I can't believe she's getting so big! Both of my nieces make me smile!!!

Spent some really great time last night talking with Aaron. I love how easy our conversation is. We spent some time going through his room trying to clean out a lot of the clutter. Which we made a teeny dent in, but didn't get very far. Of course, there's like a million things in there that he wants to look through and read, etc, but he's pretty swift about what he wants to keep and what he wants to trash. So that's nice. It gave us a chance to just talk though, which is really really nice. I love just conversing with him, even if it's about nothing important. We talk, but we never really just talk, you know. Most of what we talk about is what we've done during the day, etc. And never really memories, and well, just different stuff. Plus a lot of the time we spend together there are other people there, so we don't get one on one time too much.

He got in a heated debate with his mom, though. I just sat there taking it all in. It was pretty interesting. They were discussing whether or not it is possible that Evolution has a place within Creationism. Basically whether or not God used Evolution as a process of creating Adam and Eve, and all the animals. It was nice to be on the outside of the conversation, I'll tell you that much. It gave me good perspective on how each of them would deal with a non-believer. To be honest, I think Aaron would be more likely to win over their respect. Of course they may see in his mom a fire and a passion and faith. But, usually that's only seen by people on the inside who also believe. Those who don't may just see her as stubborn, and possibly even "brain washed". I guess it all just depends on the person.

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