Saturday, October 11, 2008

Birthdays and fun times...

I spent the night at my sister's house on Thursday night, in order to get ready for my niece's birthday party yesterday, and we stayed up WAY too late. Of course we had to get up early the next morning as well because the house was a mess and we had to do some deep cleaning before, 1st my dad got there, and 2nd all the party guests. I would say it was annoying to clean, but it was actually really easy. I find it's easier for me to clean other people's homes, but not my own. Or is that just an excuse? Who knows. Maybe I should go into house cleaning as a living. :P Or not.

Speaking of which I need a new job sooo bad. I've thought of a couple of places and I sent in an application the other day, but they said it can take up to 14 days to get even a response. Stupid much?! I'd say so. Whatever, I'll find something soon. I just have to start really looking. :)

Any who, I've got some shopping to do. TTFN! (Oh, Tigger, how I love you!)

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