Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wow, it's only 4:36 in the afternoon and I'm already pooped!

My sister came over this morning with her two girls and a friend of theirs and we played at my grandma's, their 'Nana's' house for a few hours then went back home. There wasn't anything in particular that made me tired, it's just something about spending time with three children under the age of 7 that wears you out after a while. (Probably doesn't help that I was up till 1am this morning.)

I had good reason to be up so late, however. See, my boyfriend has been growing a beard on and off for the last 3 years. Needless to say it was about 8-10 inches long and extremely bushy. Well, he had a talk with one of his managers about a month ago about it and was advised that one of the regional managers felt it was too long and inappropriate for work. So, he was given a choice, trim the beard, or get rid of it entirely. He decided that if he had to get rid of it, he was gonna do it all the way. So, we spent an hour or so shaving off the beard.

Let me show you the dramatic transformation...

He went from this:

To this:
So, yeah, BIG difference. I told him after it was gone that he looked like a different person. And he does, sort of. It's just that I haven't seen him without facial hair for at least 5 years, and he's had the full beard for 3. It's just that he grew up while he had the beard and he doesn't look like a little boy anymore. Even without the facial hair he looks like a man. I like it a lot, I just have to get used to it. I sent him a really sappy sweet text last night explaining why I was acting weird on the way home after he shaved it off. But I'll spare you the girly details.

Any way, now I'm waiting around for him to get here so that we can go have dinner with some friends. Ah, what a busy day off. Well at least I'm loved, yeah?! Mhmm!

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