Saturday, January 30, 2010

Suddenly the urge to blog rises in me, so what do I do? Well, sit down and write, of course. But, what do I say? Uh, well, I could talk about... well no one cares about that. OH! How about... well, no, that's kind of lame too. Hm. I guess nothing?

Blogging has forever been something I've wanted to do. Take hold of the reins and be witty and cute. But I find that reading blogs is actually more fun. Mostly because they have nothing to do with my boring life. I mean, does that ever happen to you? You read someone else's blog and you think, 'oh man this stuff is great, I wanna start my own', then you sit down in front of the computer and sit there staring at the flashing cursor, because everything you intended to write now sounds so boring, or stupid! Maybe it's because I hate talking about myself too much. I've always felt better at listening to others, rather than talking about myself. Though, I guess that could be a redeeming quality, but it's makes blogging rather difficult.

Well, now that I've complained that I have nothing to say, I'll jump right into complaining about my life... yet again. Ha.

So, I've scheduled this cruise for March, as a birthday present for my boyfriend, Aaron, and all was looking good until about two months ago. I brought it up to him in conversation one day, explaining that I needed to look into the price of airfare soon, if I didn't want to pay an arm and a leg, and he promptly responded with 'well, I dunno'. WELL I DUNNO?! What do you mean 'well I dunno'?! I asked him specifically if he was serious about me booking a cruise for us. He said yes! Now that we're mere months away you're going to back out on me?! It's for your birthday for crying out loud! Ugh! I mean, his reasoning is pretty good, per usual, but it really doesn't make me feel better about it, ya know. It's gotta be one of the worst things in the world to have someone say, "Yes I want to go with you on this nonrefundable vacation", just to say later that they aren't sure they could, or should. The only good thing to come out of this, I suppose, is that I have a couple backups (lovely backups that I would take on a cruise without thinking twice about it) that would love to come with me, if, by chance, Aaron does fully back out. (Mind, I didn't know what I was gonna do, if he did, until about a week ago.) Regardless, I'm pretty bummed that he's thinking now that he might not come with me, I was so looking forward to this trip being more than reasonably expected. I wanted this to be a turning point, so much for that. Thanks buddy! Blegh.

Got a text message from an old 'friend' the other day. Interesting, random, and bringing back a lot of mixed emotions. I'll fill you in on whether anything becomes of it. However, I'm not sure I'm prepared for an onslaught quite yet. Wish me luck should one come about sooner than expected.

Work sucked today, btw. It was one of those days were everyone's upset about some little thing, and you are the "only person in the world who can change it", but of course, you "won't". Ugh. I swear, if I get yelled at about something that is completely out of my control, or absolutely not my fault, again, I'm gonna throw something across the room. Truth is, I hate these calls the most, because I usually loose a my temper just enough to have the attitude leak through my voice, and that of course just makes the person more upset because I'm "rude".  I mean, c'mon man, you try walking to work and having someone scream at you that they're not getting documents in the mail anymore, and heaven forbid you should have to get on the computer to get information! For heaven's sake, you haven't been able to get your boarding pass anywhere but our website for like two years, how much harder could it be to read the rest of the info on there too?! Sorry. I hate raging about this, cause it makes me feel mean and ungrateful. Honestly, I don't mind my job at all, I kind of like it, in fact. It's just that there's always those people who ruin it and make me want to do something other than customer service. However, I know that no matter what I do, there's going to be those days when someone is on edge, and it's going to frustrate and upset me. *Lord help me get through crazy work days, you and I both know they suck.*

So, now that this blog has gone from nothing, to ranting and raging about more nothingness, I'm going to sigh off. My bed awaits a sleepy body, and I no longer have the strength to deny it.

Hopefully I'll actually write in here more often and less grumpily (yeah, I don't think that's a word, but my computer doesn't seem to deny it, sweet). Goodnight.

~And to steal an idea from Hayley G. Hoover (because everything she does is amazing):~
Sexy: My playlist consisting of The Myraid, Paramore, Mute Math, Loudermilk and Julia Nunes! :D
Unsexy: See my freaking blog entry, the whole day was unsexy!

Movies/TV shows watched today: The History Channel's: Salem Witch Trials and Justin Hunt's: American Meth

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