Sunday, October 11, 2009

One of the best things in my life, I think, is the fact that my dad lives two hours away. Not because this reduces the amount of time I get to see him, but because it means when we drive over together we get two hours to just chat and catch up. Don't get me wrong, I would love my dad to live closer. It would mean I get to see him more often. But then, I feel that making the effort to come over is much more special and even relaxing than just being able to pop in whenever. I took two extra days off so I could have four days to spend with my family. :) Today is day one, and I slept until almost 11, and now I'm curled up on my dad's couch with my computer and a blanket. Doesn't get more comfortable than this. :)

Later this evening my sister, brother in law and nieces are coming over as well. The girls love their Papa so much, it's pretty adorable. Plus, who doesn't love hanging out with a couple of adorable little girls?!

Aaron and I had a pretty upsetting conversation the other day, but since then we've been really great. I don't know exactly how things like that happen (the fighting or the unspoken apologies). All I know for sure is that when we finally get married, we'll be fine. He really, truly is my best friend, and it definitely shows when we fight. Ha.

I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.
Psalm 31:7


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