Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The last few days have been pretty great. I'm still having a hard time believing that things can go so well.

I'm not in my first week of college, or my last, first week of college. I'm not getting married, I'm not having a baby, and I'm not starting a new life. But I am finally enjoying my life.

My last two days at work I managed to get early outs (which basically just means I got to go home early because we were super slow). The unusual thing about going home early the last two days wasn't the fact that it's uncommon to get early outs two work days in a row. Or even that I got an early out when I put in for it the same morning. But the fact that I didn't act as reclusive as normal.

Aaron had invited me over on Saturday, and of course I accepted, but when I got out of work hours before expected, and he was working until 6pm, I had no choice but find something to fill my time. My first idea was to just go to Barnes & Noble and find a few good books to read the time away. However, when I arrived at Northgate Mall two things went through my head. First, I did NOT want to walk to the other side of the mall, get all comfy and just have to get up an hour later and walk all the way back. And second, I really needed a pair of waterproof tennis shoes (I live in Seattle, for goodness sake).  So instead of curling up and doing what I would choose to do 9 out of 10 chances, I braved the busy (well not really busy), florescent lit halls that are the Northgate Mall.

I started my shopping experience in Macy's. I normally don't shop there due to the fact that their pricing is pretty high and I don't really know my way around the one at Northgate. But, I braved the unknown and found my way, eventually, to the intimate apparel section to look for that all needed new bra. I ended up finding two and some other under garments as well.

Feeling pretty good about myself, and Macy's, I headed over to their shoe department in search of those much needed tennies. I walked between tables of high heeled, strappy, clunky and otherwise unattractive shoes only to discover my original opinion of Macy's held true. Everything was overpriced and underwhelming. So with a bit of my hope dashed I ventured back out to the spacious halls of the mall.

I don't know Northgate Mall well, so I just headed off in one direction, did a couple circles, walked up and down a few halls, and downright almost got myself lost, before I found what I was looking for. And then, the Sketchers store was just there, shining with it's white fixtures and brightly dressed employees. Now, I'm not really the type to shop at a store marketed to a specific brand, and I also haven't seen a female pair of Sketchers that I found attractive since middle school, but something drew me in. Aaron just recently purchased a pair of Sketchers and I was hoping that I could find something I actually liked, even though I really wanted his shoes, in my size. But I took a few walks around and finally decided on a pair of simple black shoes, with just the slightest girlish touch.

With my spirits re-lifted I headed back out to the park and ride to kill sometime before I had to catch the bus to meet Aaron. While cutting through JC Penney I stopped at a table displaying a fairly attractive pair of jeans, and couldn't keep myself from trying them on. Normally I HATE trying on clothing, but I was a little excited this time. So I grabbed a pair off the table, and went to try them on. Only to find they fit perfectly and also happened to be a size smaller than I normally wear. And to top it all off, I got to spend the rest of the night with Aaron. It was great.

Then of course there was yesterday. Got off 3 hours early again and spent the rest of the day with Jessica, walking around Downtown, having dinner at Pacific Place, and then heading up north for a movie at the new Cinebarre. It was pretty cool. We went and saw All About Steve, which was cute and kind of funny. A good girls night type of movie. Afterwards we spent the ride home talking about how they could improve the feel of the bar, and all sorts of other unimportant things.

All in all the last few days have been relaxingly eventful.

Things I've seen today:

  1. Two squirels carrying large pine cones.
  2. 4 crows
  3. Two cop cars in a big hurry.
  4. My breath. (I think summer is officially over)

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