Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One year

So, after seeing Aaron last night, I've got some things to think about. Sometimes that boy shocks me, really throws me for a loop. Not a bad thing, of course, but last night was one of those moments when he pulled something on me unexpectedly. I'm not really going to go into what happened, other than we talked about some stuff we both felt needed to be discussed, and has been, regretfully, neglected for some time. It was definitely an answer to prayer, the things that were said. So long I have been praying about what I can possibly do to change the situation in my life. But the answer, I felt, was elluding me. Truth is, it has been in front of me the whole time, but I've been overlooking it, thinking it couldn't be that easy, or that hard. So, last night was a sudden, but welcome, wake up call for me. I've had the answer all along, I just haven't had the strength to hold on to it! Probably because I was trying to accomplish within my own strength, and without consulting Aaron. See, most things in relationships need to be understood by both parties involved and when you have a disconnect it makes things harder. Especially when the goal you are striving for requires both parties to be conscious of that goal. And the more I have thought these things over, the more alone I feel in hoping for a certain outcome. So, hearing voiced all these thoughts and concerns from Aaron was shocking, but relieving. Therefor, I've set a goal for myself. I've felt very comforted for the past few months by a thought as simple as "one year", I didn't know what that exactly meant, but it has filled me with peace. So, that's my goal, one year. I know that doesn't explain a lot to you, but it means the world to me and it gives me a place to set my sights. Let's see where God will take me!

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