Saturday, September 11, 2010

Seattle's Best and this great world.

Sitting here, at 7:54am, I am reminded why I love being up so early, there's nothing nice than taking your time when everyone else is rushing around. Not to mention a 16oz coffee is delicious when you know you're going to be tired in t-minus 2 seconds! I normally hit up the Starbucks that's right by my bus stop, but today I decoded to just head over to work and worry about coffee after I'd confirmed my work schedule for the day. In the end, I believe this truly benefited me. For two reasons, one, I really dislike Starbucks coffee, and second, o got a sweet seat right by the door, and being that this is Seattle and I'm in a coffee shop, no ones gonna ask questions about me sitting around for two hours, doing nothing but farting around on my iPod and reading. I guess that second reason was more a benefit of being in Seattle, rather than Seattle's Best, but, whatever. Here I am, content, and only a little bit cold. :)

Weather here is really starting to look like fall. Rain, clouds, cool winds, the works. Soon the leaves will start to change color and fall off the trees, but that's my favorite. There's something so cool about red, orange and yellow leaves reflecting the sunrise and sunset. It's just so pretty. Of course, every season is pretty, really. The calmness of the snow during the winter, the preciousness of new buds and blossoms in the spring, and the warmth and blue skies of the summer. This world is truly amazing, and beautiful no matter what time of year it is. Some how even downtown, in this gray and concrete jungle, there is beauty. Like the way the sky is reflected in the windows of the buildings, and the sparkling of the lights at night, and well, Seattle is blessed with the beautiful Puget Sound so close by. The sailboats on the water are Jessica and I's favorite sight on the way home from work. There's something so relaxing about seeing the sailboats floating casually in the water. We are definitely blessed with such an amazing world.

Anyway, my time is running short, so I should go. I know I did a bad job of keeping up with BEDA, but I really will try to blog more. I definitely love doing it, even if I don't have much to say. So tata for now!

Sexy: Good coffee and a delicious bagel for breakfast!
Unsexy: The fact that my iPod is dying right now. :(

Movies/TV I've watched today: Nothing yet, but I fully intend on goin home and watching Lie To Me, or Angel/Buffy.

Nail color: Still that clear coat, but my nails are mostly clean now, so that's good. :)